working cell

英 [ˈwɜːkɪŋ sel] 美 [ˈwɜːrkɪŋ sel]




  1. Phototube and photomultiplier tube It is therefore advisable never to use an excessively high working voltage for a multiplier cell.
  2. In general, process controls should take into account: ● Maintenance of the Working Cell Bank;
  3. Those materials are essential to the working of the micro fuel cell.
  4. Although the number of scientists working in stem cell research worldwide is growing, most studies are still at the pre-clinical stage.
  5. The working principle of the molten carbonate fuel cell ( MCFC) is a heat and mass transfer process going with electrochemical reactions.
  6. "Combining this work with that of other scientists working on stem cell differentiation, there is hope that the promise of regenerative medicine could soon be met," he said.
  7. If scientists are working with a mixture of two cell types, for example A and B, they end up with many AA and BB pairings, as well as the desired AB match.
  8. Additionally, a German company is working on a fuel cell for the European space shuttle program and for submarines, while a Canadian company is evaluating a fuel cell to be used in small buses.
  9. NASA-supported researchers are working to develop a fuel cell that can extract electricity from human waste.
  10. My father's working late upstairs, and my cell phone died.
  11. The AVN composed of four types cells, P cell, T cell, Purkinje cell and normal cardiac working cell.
  12. Due to their special working conditions, low-temperature fuel cell has high expectations for the catalysts.
  13. In this article, long-distance alarm apparatus in cell raise machine are apparatus those are used in biological preparations cell raise working procedure and monitoring cell raise machine whether normal operation.
  14. Computing of Neural Networks and Working of Neural Cell The cell performance was tested at different working conditions.
  15. On working Feature selection in cancer cell recognition by means of optical power spectra
  16. The feasible working temperature of the cell stack was maintained by utilizing the structure designing in the machine box and the adjusting of rotate speed of the fan.
  17. Effection of reducing working voltage of electrolytic cell after intensifying electrical current in aluminum production
  18. According to the management and control system of agile manufacturing cell-Manufacturing execution system, a kind of layered Multi-Agent-based coordination working architecture model for agile manufacturing cell is proposed.
  19. This paper describes the basic structure and the working principles of the load cell.
  20. Secondly, human pluripotent stem cell is characterized by infinite proliferation potentiality and development multipotency, and therefore it provides infinite seed cell working as the basic model for cell, tissue and organ transplantation research.
  21. Based on the principles of T. according to the energy equilibrium, confirm the working voltage of the electrolytic cell;
  22. The modularization grade denoted flexibility of production system and was one of the important objectives of manufacturing enterprise reconfiguration. It was pertinent to the number of working cell, organization flexibility factor and interface constraint.
  23. We have carried out the optical and electrochemical experiments of characterization with K3Fe ( CN) s and tyrosine working system, which show the cell has a very good thin-layer electrochemistry character and fast spectroelectrochemistry response.
  24. On working A research on fuel cell's principle and performance
  25. Therefore, in order to improve the working life of the fuel cell, we should try to reduce the damage due to starvation of fuel cell.
  26. The gold film that excites the surface plasmons is used as working electrode in the electrochemical cell. Both electrochemical and optical information are simultaneously obtained by in situ electrochemistry and SPR tests.
  27. According to the power generation characteristics of the photovoltaic cell, the simulation model and analysis of the working characteristics of the photovoltaic cell has been established.
  28. And proposed PV power system to ensure normal operation of the key technical issues required. Secondly, according to the working principle of solar cell analysis the working characteristics and mathematical model.
  29. The experiment table for copper etching has three parts, a3-D motion platform, an electrochemical working center and a data processing center. Also, the fixture of the working electrode and the electrolytic cell were designed according to related requirements.